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Richard Grady Answers
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Yesterday turned out to be a great day for my personal development. I claimed that I had learned a simple and valuable lesson. While writing about Richard Grady's article I decided that this was a good opportunity to proof that I had really learned my lesson. So I sent Mr. Grady an e-mail.
When I checked my mail this morning he had already replied! Since I believe that a lot of people can benefit from what he has to say, I'll pass the information along. The point Richard was trying to make in his article on automating your business is that he doesn't spent a lot of time dealing with customers, handling orders, etc. The ninety percent he mentions includes marketing efforts; no point in developing a product if you are not going to market it effectively. The list in his article states the order in which he works, it doesn't rank the importance of the tasks. So marketing is listed fourth, because you have to do development and automating first, not because it is less important.
He also says that you can automate customer support to a certain point. Richard does customer support himself and he uses automated responses for frequently asked questions and a program called ShortKeys to automate common email responses. I'll be sure to check it out.
I would like to thank Richard Grady for his insights. For people who are interested in his expertise, check out his Trader Online-website. There is a newsletter you can subscribe to for free. I did and I received four complementary e-books! Let's see what membership can bring me...
Again I say: if you want to know something, just ask. It really works.
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