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Tool Rules
Friday, March 18, 2005
Just a quick note I scribbled down once. Nothing earth-shattering, but it is good to remind yourself of these things from time to time. The order is pretty much random.
- You can't use tools that you do not have.
- Mere possession of a tool doesn't imply you should use it.
- If you have the tool you need, you should use it.
- Obtaining tools is not a worthwhile goal by itself.
- Money is a tool.
Two proverbs come to mind in this context. The first one turns up quite a lot in the software world.
When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
Sometimes it's put a bit differently, which also changes the meaning.
When you have a shiny, new hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
The second proverb is one I like very much. Applicable more often than I'd like.
It's a poor craftsman that blames his tools.
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(I) says:
That's a nice post. Tools can be anything, from a juicy piece of software to someone else's willingness to help you.
Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:42 AM
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